About ToddleeDoo

The original and first realistic fully adjustable mesh avatar for children, babies and toddlers in Secondlife created from hardwork of Bit McMillan at CuteBytes Store.

Most current version of ToddleeDoo is the 2.6

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

2.3 with SOCKS

Yeps update those baby and kid meshes its time we got socks!!! Socks are an entire new menu addition so remember when wearing them you will need wear HUD to remove them if next outfit doesnt have socks with it kay?

Thursday, January 10, 2013


So so awesome guys. Many hand positions to choose from. Skin huds still work on the new hands so simply rewear skin huds and touch when getting these and tada seamless match.

 Full Version:


2.2 Released!

Updated sizes. Wear Controller HUD and touch Update please!

 New Controller HUDS that allow you to add your own skins check notices for this please!